The need for long-term care and how it should be paid for is arguably one of the greatest causes for concern among a growing elderly population in the UK.

If you are expecting to deal with this yourself, or for a family member facing the prospect of moving into a nursing home, there will be several factors to consider.  

  • You will need to understand the long-term care planning needs and ensure you are put in the strongest possible position to make the right decisions for now and the future
  • Understanding the care fees and funding options in simple terms
  • Source information on the options available to you, ranging from care in your own home, through sheltered housing and care villages, to residential care homes with and without nursing care
  • Understand the benefits and financial options so that you can be sure that you make the right decisions for the right reasons for your family

If you find yourself in this position, it is best to act early to ensure the maximum options are available for you to make the right decisions.

We now have access to a specialist in this area who is an Associate Member of the Society of Later Life Advisers. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us and we shall provide details.